LI129 [1-2019]: E-Learning Workshop I: Introduction to Online Course Instructional Design


This is an introduction course for E-Learning course developer. The participant will learn the following topics: - Teaching pedagogy & assessments - Online course design process - Introduction to Edx platform and Thammasat Gen Next Academy platform - Introduction to course instructional design


1) Understanding learners and expectation of E-Learning course
2) Know the differences of various online teaching strategies
3) Gain positive attitude toward online course and E-learning
4) Able to start to the course instructional design process

Training period: 21 Jun 2019 09:30 - 21 Jun 2019 03:55
Place: Seminar room (201) คณะวิทยาการเรียนรู้และศึกษาศาสตร์ มธ.รังสิต
Application period: 15 May 2019 09:00 - 21 Jun 2019 12:31

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